Governance in UNESCO Biosphere Reserves
UNESCO MAB Documentation
Technical Guidelines for Biosphere Reserves 2021:
Biosphere reserves worldwide operate according to the Statutory Framework of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves (WNBR). This key document embraces the philosophy of the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme and the concept of biosphere reserves. – Read more here
The South African Strategy for the Biosphere Reserve Programme (2016 – 2020)
The Biosphere Reserve Programme is a UNESCO Programme that attempts to demonstrate the reconciliation of environmental protection with sustainable development. It has human developmental needs at the forefront and balances these with environmental infrastructure, biodiversity, heritage and indigenous knowledge through learning, science and other functions. – Read more here
Over four decades, people across the globe have utilized biosphere reserves, designated under UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme, to explore local solutions to global challenges, thereby generating a wealth of experience and innovative potential – Read more here
Management Manual for UNESCO Biosphere Reserves in Africa [2015]:
UNESCO biosphere reserves are regions that resemble protected areas, but go far beyond mere protection. Their target is to balance nature conservation with socio-economic development and poverty alleviation. They can only do this successfully by drawing upon two ideas at the centre of the biosphere reserve concept: engaging with local communities – Read more here
Biosphere Reserves: The Seville Strategy & Statutory Framework of the World Network [1996]:
Biosphere reserves are designed to deal with one of the most important questions the world faces today: How can we reconcile the conservation of biodiversity, the quest for economic and social development. – Read more here